I am a little rusty with the theoretical portions of the Montessori Method of Education so as I journal my thoughts in my blog, I revisit the wonderful history and the enlightening journey of Dr Maria Montessori.
Feeling rather sated at this moment, as I allow myself to further deepen my understanding of her work as I (myself) work with chubs (as I go along). It's like I have her in spirit, guiding me in my ways and endeavours.
In one of those lecture sessions, where I was weary from work I remember being quite drawn in when I listened to how Dr Maria reviewed her work while she worked with the children in Casa Dei Bambini.
Sometime in 1906, Dr Maria Montessori's methods had not been perfected as yet. Through her observation, she began to realize that children should be given the freedom of choice.. What happened was, when the materials were being taken out from unlocked cupboards, the children were working with them on their own. She realized that children could develop order in life when the children followed behind her while she went to return her materials. The children too returned their materials to the respective shelves/places.
The philosophy of the Absorbent Mind serves two stages in a child's life.
0-3 Unconscious Mind
3-6 Conscious Mind
When a child interacts with the environment, it will be absorbed in his unconscious mind, into his psychic life. The conscious mind later looks back (3-6 yrs) on what the unconscious has to offer.
It is within this said phase : Sensitive Periods, that children realize a sense of order... and where the children can categorize through perceptions via an inner conceptual framework which in turn allows him to relate to the environment.
It took chubs many many repetitions which helped him achieve a sense of order working with materials. Repetition offers refinement of the senses, and in the event of success the satisfaction derives from the success in itself for no other rewards. This trait carries on well later on in life.
For chubs, his complete satisfaction is at the point when he returns his material back to the shelf... like this one above.
This material is called a Knobbed Cylinder and is extremely heavy for a boy his age (2yrs) old to even lift. However, it is in the manner that we encourage independence in a Montessori environment that offers children security. Having the Directress around to observe assures the children that should at any time at all, any assistance is required, we are on hand anytime. In chubs case, when he was done working with the Knobbed Cylinder he said..
Chubs : Mom.. done. I keep. Mom help. It's heavy.
Me : Ok. Mommy is here. You try to keep. Yes, it is heavy. Very very heavy but chubs is strong. You can do it. Tell Mommy if it is really too heavy for you to keep it yourself.
Chubs : Ok Mommy. I try. I'm strong. Chubs is strong. Mommy *help. (*stressing that I WILL indeed help if he requested it).
As he squat down, picked up the Knobbed Cylinder with both his hands... he struggled to get up for a bit. Then as he waddled into our work room, I offered...
Me : Chubs need help?
Chubs : Chubs done. Keep. Chubs strong.
Me : Yes, very strong. You kept it yourself. Good job. Would you like to take another material?
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