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Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Marking Criteria For Oral Examinations (Conversation)

Have some time now to continue from where I left off (with regards to grading). This one is on the conversation component of the oral examinations. This is the area that I suppose many parents worry about because our children can be slapped with ANY topic and they have to work it. :scared:

Here's a peek on how marks may be awarded, in case you wanna work the final kinks out today for the next oral exam tomorrow. 


Between 9-10 marks

* Personal, intelligent responses are given.
* Grammatical structures are accurate.
* Wide range of vocabulary is used.
* Voice is clear.
* Shows confidence.
* Initiative in introducing ideas is shown.
* There is very good interaction.
* Offers sound personal opinions.

Between 7-8 marks
* Adequate personal responses with some development are given.
* Grammatical structures are accurate.
* Satisfactory range of vocabulary is used.
* Voice is clear and some confidence is shown.
* Good interaction.

Between 5-6 marks
* Some personal responses with little development given.
* Grammatical structures are generally accurate.
* Basic use of vocabulary.
* Responses a little unclear at times.
* Interaction is reasonably good.

Between 3-4 marks
* Few personal responses with no development given.
* Grammatical structures are inaccurate and limited.
* Mostly inappropriate range of vocabulary is used.
* A number of hesitations and false starts are made.
* Interaction is present only with prompting.

Between 1-2 marks
* Almost no personal response given.
* Grammatical structures are inaccurate.
* Weak vocabulary.
* A number of long, awkward pauses are made.
* Constant assistance and prompting to engage in conversation is required.

Conversation topics may range from what has been practiced in school to general knowledge and to perhaps current affairs. The past years' topics touched on charity work / volunteer work and there was also one on the transport system and there were questions raised that were in relevance to the MRT collision incident (if i remember correctly). :oops:

We don't subscribe to any newspapers and neither does their school. We have read and heard sharings from friends with children in other schools who do and find that it is good that there are schools that have these initiatives in place. I particularly like The Red Dot but this seems to only be made available to schools that subscribe to the English paper. Am planning to feedback to DD's school to offer that to her school so that it could benefit the students from next year onwards.:please:

I asked DD's grandpa to tear off clippings of the recent haze, of the dengue outbreak, the Tampines tragedy, the boys in the breasfeeding room and I also briefly shared with her about the recent issue with the girls involved in the Hair for Hope event. We ran through the possible questions that may come up... like...

* Do you think it is compulsory to wear a uniform? Explain your answer.
* Have you been involved in any charity or fund-raising event?
* Do you think there are other ways you can contribute or to assist non-profit organisations other than donating money?
* (etc)

DD kept all these notes from our discussion and the clippings of relevant articles (if any). If it may not be of use for now (for the oral exams), she intends to keep them just for general knowledge and for memories of when we did these stuff together. :love:

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