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Saturday, 1 March 2014

Montessori Language Sets

Hello again. I have not been updating my blog of late as I have been extremely busy. Here's a peek into my usual day. 

During the day, I would be carrying out Montessori lessons with my boys. As I take heart in my family having home cooked meals, I cook lunch and prepare dinner after I breastfeed my boys and pat them down for a short nap. When my two older girls get home from school, it's time with them or if need be, I would also be at hand should some help with homework was required. If weather permits, I like bringing the children out for outdoor time. Recreation allows children to get the much needed time away from books (reduce myopia), for us (yes, us!) to unwind/de-stress, to get some exercise and get these hearts pumping nicely & most importantly, time out of the house for recreation keeps us happy and pretty much together as a family. 

Come nightfall when the house is so peaceful and quiet, I sit outside the hall passionately creating beautiful learning materials. If you are a Montessori enthusiast or parent, keen on homeschooling your child (at least in their young formative years) and despair that in trying to maintain a work-life balance you just cannot find the time to make any materials yourself, you can count on me to send you complete teaching tools so you can just concentrate on educating your child with the time you have on your hands.

Singapore education is very demanding and being able to still actively carry out Montessori work with my boys really keep me sane and grounded on what I believe how learning should be. It should be limitless; never set age constraints/limits to allow each child to develop and progress at their own pace. It should be an education that allows for freedom of exploration, that learning should not be via rote-learning. The process of education should ideally inspire the love and the hunger for learning, not kill it.

With these introductory language materials, anyone can start carrying out fun & multi-sensory Montessori lessons at home, anytime. 



Big box set

26 sandpaper letters mounted on vanguard paper.. Minimum 4 big objects in each box. 


There will be more objects (5 or 6 objects) in other boxes to make up for boxes with letters that have lesser objects available..

This set comes complete with word cards to accompany all the big objects to encourage a non-reading child to sight reading..

Comes with 26 big boxes to store the sandpaper letter cards objects all labelled with each individual letters..


FREE delivery.


Each box contains a minimum of 3 to 4 objects, beginning with the single letter sounds of the alphabet. Big boxes contain bigger materials and smaller boxes contain smaller materials.

 Each object also comes with matching word cards for the reading child and to 
introduce sight-reading to a 
non-reading child.


Boxes may vary according to availability from suppliers. Objects may vary according to availability as well.

Montessori Phonics

Pink Scheme set

Montessori Phonics

Blue Scheme set

If you are interested to acquire these Montessori Language materials for your child, for your centre or for a gift, drop me an email and I will attend to your request. Do provide some lead time if it is an urgent order.

To those who have purchased, thank you for your interest in the materials and for supporting the Montessori Education for your children. 

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