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Sunday, 16 March 2014

Sure-success cheesecake

Hi guys!  :peekaboo:

A cyber-friend shared a cheesecake recipe and sometime back, I finally tried baking it. Well, as you already know, I love sharing the good stuff so here's sharing my report on that cheesecake attempt. 

The before...



The after...



....... in mini tartlet tins .......



....... in small round tins .......

The slice test...


Passed the slice test!
Crust intact! 

Next, the strawberry sauce...

Chopped strawberries..
Sugar and vanilla extract..
Sorry, all in agaration (estimation)... :oops:


The plating... ala Master chef-amateur? :lol:


The cross section… thin layer of both crust and cream cheese… I found that the digestive biscuit mix was a lot! Scared not enuff cheese to go around. :xedfingers: So, i rationed the portion for the mini tartlet tins. 
The close up...


Out of the few I tried, I think this was a clear winner. :please:


Thank u, Jennifer for sharing this recipe. :please:

Crust :- 

300g of digestive biscuits 
40g sugar 
120g butter

Melt butter and sugar in a small pot. Pour over the crushed digestive biscuits. If you have a food processor, you can also choose to dunk all the biscuits in instead of crushing them in a freezer bag.

Put the biscuits into a baking tin and chill in the refrigerator for a minimum of 1 hour. 

Cream cheese :- 

250g cream cheese
70g sugar
80g sour cream
2 eggs

Cream the cream cheese with the sugar in a mixer until well combined. Add the sour cream. Add 2 eggs, one at a time until well combined, then add the next egg. Pour mixture onto to the baking tin with the biscuit mix. Bake for 20 mins at 150 deg C.

This was a winning recipe.
Definitely a recipe for keeps. Image

One cannot find any fault with this recipe.
The recipe is just perfect. 
The taste was perfect. Image

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