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Friday, 4 April 2014

The Shakespeare Stories

My new loot. :love:




I'm not so much a Lit kid in school, so was initially worried that DD won't take to Literature much cos of the heavy reading to be done, the analyzing and definitely the language (for some books)... so I hitched on with a spree-enthusiast to help me bring in this set of books... to ermm interest her. 

She's doing ok for now, still grasping the requirements of her school's Lit syllabus & not doing any of these titles yet. So I suppose just for easy lounge reading time then, for both her and her sister. They are not voracious readers. They read only when they like the genre, the content and when they feel like it.

DD1 couldn't put her Kite Runner book down when I passed the book to her & I was quietly pleased she chose to read her Sat afternoon away as a way to relax after a busy week at school. :love:

DD2 is dreading to have to read these but I still hope she will pick up one and just give it a go. It's extremely simple reading for kids their age cos big fonts and thin paperback type books. Just the genre is different in these.

As usual, here are some sneaks..

From the Merchant of Venice.



Sneaks from Romeo & Juliet..



For budsy's readers who are interested to grab a set for your children, I chanced upon the books here at Fishpond. Didn't see any boxed set. They seem to sell it separately. Hmmm..


More details of the books here.


A few boxed sets, up at Amazon.


I bought with a spree enthusiast. I love these spree organizers and have had many good buys with them & many of whom have become fast friends with me and keep in touch. Most know I'm not on FB so they will lemme know of any future buys they will be getting from and find out if I'm keen. With sprees, we save more when the group buys more. Credibility of organizer is important. So when I found those I could click with, I knew we'd be friends for life. :wink:

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