Today, Budsy will share a request from another lovely mom, Penny. Penny is interested in a mini Montessori set-up for her 16mth old son. Dearest Penny, this post is dedicated to you.
There are 5 main areas that encompasses Montessori education.
(1) Practical Life
(2) Sensorial
(3) Cultural (Science & Geography)
(4) Language
(5) Mathematics
Many parents share they are very interested in holistic education that can nurture a wholesome child… an all rounder… however, most times, the demands of academia make many forget that initial pursuit to lifelong education. The need for paper chase and to be on top of everyone else's children… to be successful (subjectively defined by each individual) eventually tops and totally absolves those initial intentions of wanting an all-rounded child. In Montessori education, we hope to nurture all-rounded children who can be good at everything and the best part is, we CAN, and we can progressively ensure so according to individual pace of development.
As this post is more on setting up a mini-Montessori nook, Budsy will share more on the 5 areas in another post, okay, but be warned it will be a heckuva long post, that. For now, here's looking at what you can fix-up in a nice corner in your home… no matter how big… no matter how small. Montessori environment can be tailored to your unique space.
PS 1. Budsy is on the move today, so will put up the pictures first and edit the photos with the details / descriptions on the photos later as and when I can squeeze some phone time. *yikes* Gotta go now. Toodle doo! Catch ya guys later! *waving*
PS 2. Note to Penny : Hope this helps, babe. ;)
Budsy will try to help Mommy Penny today with her request.
This list is not exhaustive. If you can spare a room for your child, you can definitely put up more things on your shelves.
Most importantly is to display them neatly, colour-coded (as much as possible) and in order of the sequence of presentations appropriate to your child's age.
The pleasure was all mine. I love sharing about Montessori.
Was out taking a breather with my bestie and we lurve trolling IKEA really slowly, very therapeutic. Lol!
This is from the BILLY book case range. They are wonderfully plain, perfect for displaying Montessori equipment and relevant educational resources.
This one featured here is in dark mahogany (I think) and costs around S$89.00. Self-assembly required or you can also opt for one of their guys to fix these up for you upon delivery.
Here's another book case from IKEA's BILLY book case range. In light beechwood.
Budsy bought this white baby for our materials. Cheaper.. .. wonderfully plain, yet aesthetically pleasing & still stands till today! 4 years and counting!
Budsy placed heavier materials on the lower shelves.
The ultimate necessity in your Montessori set-up... A work mat.
This light lime green shade from IKEA's latest colour range of table runners and place mats.
Easy to wash.
Read : Dump in the washer! Does not really trap dust as it is not fluffy.
Top shelf : Scooping activity
Lower shelf : Pouring activity
(1) Scooping beans from one bowl to another empty bowl. Select bigger soup spoons and bigger beans for younger babies.

(2) Scooping beans from one bigger bowl to two equal bowls.
(1) This tray is for a dry pouring activity. One jug is fully filled with macaroni. The child transfers the macaroni content from one jug to another, without spilling any on the tray.
You may select bigger
for bigger macaroni for your babies. Each jug should ideally come with spouts for ease of the pouring activity.
(2) Follow-up dry pouring activity using macaroni, equally pouring from one jug into two other jugs.
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