Interested to set-up a language corner for your baby and not sure how? Budsy will share with you how to create your own cosy corner in the comfort of your own home.
If you're feeling more optimistic, go for a set of letters. You can choose to work on abcd boxes first. If you'd like to replicate your language corner and execute your lessons using the Montessori Language method, you can start digging up for objects beginning with the letter c first. If you can manage a couple more boxes, you can work on cfim boxes, so you can carry put the first set of lessons using the Montessori way.
Start out by finding at least 3 objects for each letter you've decided to work on. Once you've managed to collate enough objects; (between 3 to 5 objects for one alphabet box is good), you can move on to the next step of making the matching word cards.
(2) Word cards can be typed out on your computer to be printed out. Lamination of cards is highly recommended to preserve their lifespan. If you don't own a printer or laminator, purchase thick cardboard-type paper for your word cards & just use a marker to write the names of your objects on them.
If your child can sight-read 5 word cards for every letter box you have done up, it will mean that he or she would've accumulated the encyclopedic memory of 130 words by the time all 26 letter sounds of the alphabet.
(3) Make your own sandpaper letter cards. Some ideas and detailed steps shared at this link.
(5) This is optional, but Budsy highly recommend this. I have had many successes with my students and my own children by trying to find time to fit this in daily.
Find books that tell simple stories to reinforce the letter sounds you are planning to introduce. For example, this Mixed-up Chameleon book by Eric Carle can be used to reinforce the sound /c/. ie. /c/ as in the first letter sound in the word chameleon.
If you read a book for every letter of the alphabet you have taught your child, it will mean you have read 26 books to your child upon completion on single letter sounds.
If you start out (single letter sounds) with your baby at a younger age and babies, as we know it, will enjoy variety as much as he does repetition... and say you tell 4 different story books for the 4 different times you reinforce your lessons on every letter sound, it will mean that your child has had 104 books read to him/her.
Consistent reading session with our babies offers calm bonding time and the amount of vocabulary absorbed by the child is immense. A child's journey towards learning to read can be easily catapulted with regular reading sessions. Reading age-appropriate books that interests our young children has been known to accelerate their reading progress.
(6) If you have other relevant resources that you think might interest your child and reinforces the letter sounds at the same time, you can choose to make them accessible to your child on your shelf. (Note : Ensure items that are made accessible are safe for your child to use at all times)
Just be sure to display what you have neatly. Montessori shelves should look orderly and uncluttered. Even if we have a lot of resources, we don't have to display them all at once. We can rotate them to keep the interest going.

(7) Finally, put up your stash already! Display your language corner with pride and you're ready to work with your child in your nice new set-up.
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