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Wednesday, 26 November 2014


In light of the importance on equipping our young children with necessary math skills, nurturing encyclopedic memory, the ability to read and write and the plethora of enrichments geared towards academic pursuits, many Montessori schools and even practicing Montessorian parents overlook Practical Life activities. 

Practical Life activities are the first activities introduced to young children in a Montessori classroom. They are designed to offer the child real-life experiences for self-development. Practical life activities satisfies a child's inner desire for skills and self-sufficiency.

The processes of these activities offer children a certain calmness, a serene joy which springs from the very heart of being. It is through purposeful work that children grow.

Remember when Budsy shared about the part on having helpful children, well well well... we are working on the area on Care of the Environment where they can help even more. 
So, it's more Practical Life activities for the children, over at Budsy's.  

If you have been guiding your little ones to be mommy's little elves (helpers)...  ... these activities will be perfect for you.  There's no need for purchase of anything too! Practical Life activities guide children to perform daily tasks that they see adults do day in and day out. Come take a peek at what we are doing this week. 

 Psst, did Budsy mention that Practical Life activities are great for reinforcement on the pincer grip? The boys don't realize they are learning because they are having fun with Montessori work. That's the beauty of Montessori Education. 

"Montessori is an education for independence, preparing not just for school, but for life.... " ~ Dr Maria Montessori

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