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Thursday, 2 April 2015

MONTESSORI PHONICS - The Pink Scheme : Working on word family 'ad'

Word Family - 'ad'

Chubs is making steady progress with his health recovery and he's more receptive to start working a little more at home again. It's like this if you have children who fall ill more often than you'd expect them to. They will always have to adapt to their routine all over again after a bout' of illness. Budsy experienced it the hard way, via trial and error with DD1 and hope Budsy can work through these kinks out with chubs. *crossing fingers*
While chubs continues the home lessons with his brother, Budsy still follows up from where chubs left off with the different areas in Montessori Education. For language, Budsy is going back on track to encourage him to read independently and comfortably before moving on.

It's natural for parents to want to accelerate a child's progress seeing how fast the child can absorb. The extra thing directresses look out for apart from just ability and progression, is the definitive moment where the child is independent from the adult (directress) in the course of all the work that we do with each child.
In short, Budsy is awaiting the special moment for when Budsy can be certain that chubs is reading all on his own using the skills that have been presented to him.

The special thing about Montessori Education, is that the children are shown techniques to guide them on how to go about their work. These techniques are worked on repetitively for positive reinforcements, to ensure that the children can and will use these techniques to guide them by, without requiring the assistance of the adult in due time. This auto-education is not just within presentations but also a design feature in Montessori materials. Think of it in line with the famous saying, where it's more constructive to teach a child to fish, than merely handing the fish over to him...
To help chubs with this auto-education, Budsy designed worksheets suitable for his level of learning. Truth be told, not all commercial resources may be able to suit all types of learning abilities in our children because each child possesses a unique style of learning and a different pace for learning.
In actual fact, true Montessori education requires no pen and paper evidence of a child's ability. However, this is not feasible in our nation's paper chase, where academic proof always seem to qualify a child's abilities in the end.

To help chubs work out his recent fascination in pre-writing, Budsy designed some worksheets to ensure that he too, gets some pen and paper work done, apart from the hands-on Montessori activities that we work with. He does continue to attempt the few commercial books we have on hand, however, because he is still working on a stronger pencil grip, Budsy would like him to enjoy his writing process instead of drilling him to write repetitive words.
This move to take things easy as he goes and grows, was rewarded with a couple of those 'special moments' that Budsy was looking out for.

Despite not assigning the children any work today, so we (including Budsy!) could take a break... Budsy caught chubs working on new drawings and even attempting a self-test on spelling. He tried writing the words we have learnt via free writing. Chubs has varieties of doodle books for him to get him in his groove for writing. 
Free writing offers chubs the pleasure of writing without being judged for its accuracy. This, to date, has motivated him to in his own words - ".......get me to practice, because practice makes perfect."

Another little milestone, for another day.

Below, Budsy shares our order of work; when we work on our next set of word family, using the Montessori Phonics Pink Scheme kit.

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