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Monday, 27 May 2013

Fun Phonics Resources

Learning Phonics is never dull with fun materials like these! 

These two products were recommended by a spree-organiser cum resource-addict (like me!) whom I had the pleasure of being acquainted with over Singapore Motherhood Forum. She has good eye, scouting value for money resources to share with other fellow mothers and she takes time to scour the net for fab deals. Clear and precise with regards to payment, shipping costs, delivery at the point when you note your interest in certain products amongst the troves that she had already brought in! 

I helped a friend to purchase this from the last spree I joined. Looks so fun isn't it? Cost about $45 plus split shipping and delivery with some other stuff I got.

This item is called - Rhyme Sorting Boxes, the one I mentioned that my friend got for herself.. I meant... for her kiddies. LOL! 

Ahh.. that one another resource-addict. Item came at my doorstep, neatly packed and sealed.

You can get this item from this ultra cool webbie called - Oriental Trading Company and if you have other resource addict friends you can hook up with within your community, you guys can share the shipping fees amongst yourselves.

Next is this item from Lauri called Phonics Centres. Word sheet and cards are made from foam and box comes with drawers so you can easily and neatly store the little square cards in without having to run down to the store to get one. The innovation alone deserves a thumbs up! 
These sheets and cards are also somewhat something similar to what the Montessori Phonics (Pink Scheme) has. This will be a great follow-up game after or during the time the child is at the three letter phonetic words level.

Pssst... Lauri Toys is currently having a sale now it seems, so check them out or if you wanna compare prices and/or don't mind some used/preloved Lauri Toys, you can always count on eBay.

Learning Phonics using fun ways and materials of course, are the best ways to start any child on the road to reading.

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