Share with you guys this other great material I bought for chubs to work on his colour sorting practice. I was so pleased that I finally got my hands on the Counting Bears from Learning Resources that I have been eyeing for so long..

Just this one material can be used for so many other concepts, like patterning, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, counting in groups/sets, rote counting to 100 (since there are 102 pieces/counters in this set) and so much more!
I secured a good deal over a forum bulk purchase for about $34.20 inclusive of 6 corresponding coloured plates.
The bulk purchase promotion is now expired but if any of you are interested to purchase any of the gazillion fun items from Learning Resources, you can still get them from her... my new-found friend, who shares the same fetish as me when it comes to quality hands-on materials... Starry Mummy, if you have a facebook account. I had the most pleasant shopping experience with her. Highly recommended seller. *Two thumbs up!*
As for when chubs and I am working on shapes/shape recognition, we play fishing together. Yeah, we play fish-the-shapes-game when the lil brother is taking a nap. Why? Cos that lil one is at the phase where he puts everything in his mouth. Besides, dangling interactive games like fishing games help chubs work on keeping quiet while I breastfed his brother to sleep. He'd either nicely wait for me to come out of the room (after putting the baby in the cot) on the sofa, watching the telly or he would play with his trains first. There were some days where I was lacking sleep and breastfeeding the babe was like cuddling a nice warm cuddly pillow... and *gasp*... this bad mommy fell asleep! However, I was pleasantly happy that instead of crying or screaming for me, chubs daintily walked into the room and softly nudged me whispering, "Mommy mommy.. wake up. Don't *sweep..(He meant *sleep*) lol!
Here's our fishing game.
This week, on one of our evening reading time, chubs suddenly quipped... "I will read to you, mommy." He told me to take his current favourite : The Gruffalo and tried to read the pages like he knew how to really read.
Hear out the *perwple pwickles bit!
*purple prickles*
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